actual My magazine | Page 43

For Knitwear many of these brands going externally using Suppliers such as HKS knitwear and through carrying out research with a supply chain worker I discovered that suppliers may have designers in whom alter a product for the benefit of the company who has made and order. However due to aspects of the supply chain structure going wrong or taking longer than expected companies will use a couple of suppliers so that even if one of them goes wrong there is always another company who has the product ready to be sold.

In the supply chain business it is common that the company has be approached by the supplier and will pitch for the business and show what their business does and has to offer also.


Integrated vs Non-Integrated Supply chain

Within Non-integrated there would be a greater understanding into the different areas throughout the system, Companies such as listed will hire these suppliers and place orders to be made, however Non-integrated supply chain is more disconnected from the brand as well as its customers.

Overall many retailers use Non-integrated supply chain as within this the workers have more of a detailed understanding of the different areas throughout the system and this means that rather than sourcing everything themselves the suppliers already have raw material and manufacturers ready to create to order.
