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Integrated or Non- Integrated? Which is more beneficial for the company in discussion, this is a question that needs answering, therefore within this article a comparison will be carried out to end this argument.

A lot of products in todays society are created around higher end products and made more affordable for the customer however changed must be made so the retailer is not liable to being sued.

The Integrated Supply Chain industry includes full responsibilities surrounding one business, keeping up to date on the products from the beginning all the way through to the end of the supply chain cycle, this cycle also cut out the middle man and is a more direct system.

Integrated employees would carry out all of the responsibilities ranging from sourcing materials all the way through to logistic evaluation responsibilities.

Within supply chain improvements are always being looked for to positively effect the supply chain system, cost and time effectively, such as cutting down transport and manufacturing costs, thus maximising profits.


Within Integrated Supply chain benefits include having more control over the whole system due to it be done within the business, as well as this it is also more time efficient as well as beneficial to costs being cut also.

On the other hand Non-integrated supply chain doesn’t allow as much of an understanding surrounding the brand you are working for, many companies still use this method of supply chain examples of these are;

· Ted Baker . Reiss

·Topman .House of Fraiser