actual My magazine | Page 24


Throughout this project I felt as though even though i uploaded all of my different sections on time, that i could have handled my time a lot better throughout as a lot of it has been done as in advance as i would have liked, this also happened within my sketchbook, i completed the key decades, however other pages such as Selfridges and Libertys were left till the day before it was due,and this is why i feel as though I could have used my time in the build upto the deadline more benefitcially.

However i would like to believe that I completed all of my work to a high standard, and reads well as well as being visually satisfying.

As well as this i liked presentations which i done, as i felt as these went well excluding my North face advert which i felt as though i could have promoted the brand a lot more benefitcially for the viewer of the advert,

however i really liked my other video surrounding fashion throughtime as i got views of different age groups of people and delt as though this promoted the idea i wanted to very well, however i could have been more confident within presenting the video, commenting on my presentation skill i felt as though within my 'contrvertial advert campaign' presentation I promoted the point and people really understood the point which was ment to come across .

A key area I feel as though i could improve is filling in my smart targets as at certain points i forgot to do weeks and this there fore ment i couldnt tell what i had done in previous weeks in as much detail as i could have done in previous weeks.