actual My magazine | Page 22

Communications- imparting or exchanging information by speaking, writing or emailing

Cost- requires payment before it is done or acquired

Reliability- Consistency in performance for a specification to do what is needed

Ability- Possession of a skill in which can be used to do and complete a task.

Flexability- The ability to be easily modified, a willingness to change or compromise.

Vendor- company offering something up for sales, a trader in the street.

Duty- Completing a task or action for your job (Tax to the government)

FAD- an adopted trend over a short period of time, such as loom bands.

Fashion- the trends at the time in which people want to wear, such as superstars etc

Classification- a category into which something is put.

Franchise- an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, for example acting as an agent for a company's products