Actsafe Event Safety Conference Program 2017 | Page 2

Geoff Teoli

Welcome 2

Geoff Teoli

Executive Director - Actsafe Safety Association
On behalf of Actsafe ’ s Board of Directors , standing committees and staff , it is my pleasure to welcome you to the inagural Actsafe Event Safety Conference .
Safety in the workplace is an integral component in todays society , but is often overlooked . The rush to get things done on time and under budget can quite often come at the cost of ensuring safety on a worksite . This can be easily overcome by simply taking a few minutes and having a conversation . That is what we hope to do with this conference .
By having a conversation , we open dialogue and bring questions to the forefront . What hazards should I be aware of ? How do I overcome those obstacles ? Is there anyone that can help ? We also share our experiences and our knowledge , learn from each other . We ’ ve assembled a fantastic slate of sessions and resources that can help to answer these questions , have conversations with other members of the community and provide you with the foundation to make the next live event you ’ re involved in a great success . A conversation on safety benefits everyone involved .
I invite you to take in as many of the sessions that you can . See what resources are available to you . Speak with your fellow attendees and keep the conversation going . The best way to ensure that our workers and patrons are safe is by communicating effectively . When it comes to safety , everyone has a voice , and deserves to be heard .


Safety Association
Serving British Columbia ’ s motion picture and performing arts sectors by providing health and safety training , education and resources for employers and workers .