Activity Books Wildlife | Page 4

Science / Reading


We know animals need certain things in their habitat to survive : food , water , shelter and space . Some animals are able to survive in a habitat on their own using the food , water , shelter and space provided in the habitat . Animals that can live on their own are called wildlife .
There are other animals that depend on humans to survive . Domesticated animals are animals that humans have tamed and now need humans to provide one part or all of their habitat . If you have a pet , your pet depends on you to provide its food , water , shelter and space . Some animals are raised for products humans use , such as food . These domesticated animals are called livestock .
Below is a mix of animal pictures that are either wildlife or domesticated . PUT CIRCLES AROUND THE ANIMALS THAT ARE WILDLIFE . PUT AN X ON THE PICTURES OF DOMESTICATED ANIMALS .
Do some of the animals have both a circle and an X ? Some animals that are wild can be tamed and used as a pet . Many people have turtles as pets but there are many turtles that survive on their own in the wild !
The compound word on page 1 was wildlife ( wild and life ). FIND ANOTHER COMPOUND WORD USED ABOVE AND WRITE IT HERE :
____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Science Standards 3.1 , 5 Geography Standard 5.3