Activity Books Wildlife | Page 31

Science / Environment ANIMAL LIFE ZONE Pronghorn _________________________ USE A DICTIONARY Pika _________________________ OR ENCYCLOPEDIA Black Bear _________________________ Sage Grouse _________________________ Clark's Nutcracker _________________________ Bighorn Sheep _________________________ Beaver _________________________ Snowshoe Hare _________________________ Prairie Dog _________________________ Mallard Duck _________________________ TELL YOU IN WHICH Jackrabbit _________________________ LIFE ZONE THE ANI- Mule Deer _________________________ MAL IS TO HELP YOU LEARN ABOUT EACH ANI- MAL. LOOK UP THE NAME OF THE ANI- MAL. SOME REFER- ENCE SOURCES WILL Color the bars in the different life zones with the following colors: Tundra = brown Sub Alpine and Montane Forests = green Woodlands = tan Montane Shrublands = pink Riparian = blue Semi-desert Shrublands = gold Grasslands = yellow Science Standards 3.1 29