Activity Books Wildlife | Page 2

Wildlife Activity Book This book includes a variety of ready-to-use activities to integrate wildlife into basic subject areas. The activities are ideal for use in classrooms, community organizations or anywhere young people could benefit from learning more about the food, fiber and natural resource industries. Why does an agriculture group want to teach about wildlife? Agricultural land provides much of the open space that is home to many wildlife species. It is estimated that 80 percent of wildlife spend time on private property. Most of this private property belongs to farmers and ranchers. Farmers and ranchers enjoy the wildlife that visit their land. Often, they manage their operation to benefit wildlife populations. Developing an understanding of what is involved in managing wildlife is important. Agricultural ground is important for sustaining wildlife. In the past, people were very aware of the role agriculture played in their lives. It meant survival. Nearly everyone - men, women and children - worked the land. On average, today's youth are five generations removed from the land. They no longer have a grandfather or aunt on the farm. They no longer have first-hand contact with farms and farming. You may want to survey your class. How many of your students have a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle that is living and working on a farm or ranch? Through projects like this Activity Book, young people can understand that agriculture has a vast range of impact on our society and way of life. Importance of agriculture Agriculture, with its related occupations, is the nation's and the world's largest industry. It generates billions of dollars each year and one out of every five American jobs depends on agriculture in some way. Agriculture has a huge impact on the American economy and on the prices Americans pay for their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. Agriculture influences the U.S. balance of trade and directly affects the number, as well as kinds, of jobs throughout the world. It is estimated that 20 percent of our population is employed in agriculturally related occupations. However, only about two percent of U.S. citizens work in production agriculture. This small group meets the food and fiber needs of the entire nation as well as many people abroad. Agriculture faces huge challenges to meet the needs of a growing world population. Tomorrow's citizens must be agriculturally literate in order to make responsible, moral decisions about the giant global lifeline. Building that literacy and awareness is the goal of the Colorado Foundation for Agriculture with its agricultural education and Ag in the Classroom programs. This Wildlife Activity book is just one of the agricultural literacy projects produced by the Colorado Foundation for Agriculture. Comments, questions and feedback about this publication are always welcome, please contact: Bette Blinde, Director Colorado Foundation for Agriculture P.O. Box 10 Livermore, CO 80536 (970) 881-2902