Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 38

The water we use in our houses, schools and businesses is cleaned at a water treatment facility before we use it. Dirt and bacteria are removed from the water. Let’s explore how water is cleaned and learn some BIG WORDS ! The words we are going to learn are coagulation (co-ag-u-lá-tion) sedimentation (sed-i-men-tá-tion) filtration (fil-trá-tion) disinfection (dis-in-féc-tion) storage (stór-age) Four of our words end in “-tion.” This is a suffix. It has a meaning that attaches to the root word. The suffix “-tion” added to a word makes a noun, meaning an act; a thing done, a process. What are our root words? YOU CAN USE A DICTIONARY! coagulation = coagulate sedimentation = __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ filtration = filtrate disinfection = __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ storage = store 36