Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 28

1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 Down 1. The buildup of snow that falls in the mountains in the winter. 9 2. Another name for a watershed is a drainage ________. 4. A dry condition from not having enough water. 6. A body of water held by a dam. This is one way to store water. 8. A kind of precipitation. 7. Using less water in order to save it for later use. 8. When everyone uses a smaller, fixed amount of water instead of the usual amount of water. 9. Kind of man-made ditches that carry water from place to place. Across 3. Too much water all at once will cause this. 5. Wetness; i.e., the amount of WATER WORDS ______ in the snowpack determines if there will be BASIN FLOOD RESERVOIR CANALS MOISTURE SNOWPACK enough water in the CONSERVATION RAIN summer and fall. DROUGHT RATIONING 26