Activity Books Understanding Water Activity Book | Page 27

Water is not always where we want it to be. It does not always come in the amount we want. Sometimes there is not enough water; other times there is too much water. Storage reservoirs have been built to hold water to keep a constant supply. Everything gets dry when there is not enough rain. Not enough rain can cause a drought. When an area has a drought, plants and the ground dry out. A drought can result in water rationing. This means everyone uses no more than a set amount of water. Many towns and cities practice water conservation. The cities and towns themselves use less water and encourage residents to take steps to use less water. Other times there is too much rain. When there is too much rain and the ground cannot soak it up, water will flood areas. The water that cannot soak into the ground will run into rivers and streams. When the rivers and streams are too full, wa- ter will run over the banks and flooding can happen. 25 W A T E R S U P P L Y