Livestock grazing can exist in harmony with range , forest , and grassland ecosystems -- in fact , livestock grazing can benefit ecosystems . Grasses need animals eating them . If grass is not kept at the right length , it forms thatch . Thatch is created when long grass dies and forms a thick mat which prevents sun , warmth and water from reaching the ground . This prevents new plants from growing ; but it is also harmful to other plants which are needed by animals for food and shelter ; seeds for the birds and flowers for the butterflies . By grazing the grasses , livestock help plants grow strong and healthy in the same way that you help your lawn when you mow it . Cattle are the lawn mowers of the rangeland . Cow ’ s hooves are able to break the top crust of the soil and allow more moisture and nutrients to reach plant roots . Breaking up the soil also provides plant seeds a place to germinate and start growing . Grazing livestock is now recognized as a good tool to effectively manage our range , forest , and grassland ecosystems .
There are many factors ranchers consider before they put their cattle on range lands . Unscramble the following sentences to discover a few of the questions ranchers need to answer when managing land . Write your unscrambled sentence below the scrambled sentence . Be sure to capitalize the first word of your sentence and punctuate it .
plants are what type range of found on this
animals found are what in area this
received how moisture much has land the
improved can how the be range
need does wildlife what the
what best livestock number of is the to graze the land
how graze area in an should livestock the long
Ranchers must care for their land and animals in order for their land and animals to provide for them . The land is a fragile resource . If the land is not cared for , it can become unproductive ; then making a living from the land would be impossible .