Activiteens 48 | Page 36



When Aleix and I got off the train in Manresa we realized we were actually in Lleida.

Our research work for the Baccalaureate consisted of analysing captivity animals’ life, so we thought that the best way to study it was going to Barcelona zoo. We spent all day there: taking photos and taking notes and interviewing some zookeepers.

At 7pm it was time to leave, because we had to take the train back to Manresa. We caught the train Line R12, which goes from Barcelona to Lleida by Manresa.

When we got on the train, I remembered that my parents had told me “You cannot sleep on the train, otherwise you will miss your train stop”.

“You cannot sleep on the train, otherwise you will miss your train stop”

In order not to miss the station where we had to get off, we decided to watch a Netflix series, “The 100”. This was our biggest mistake: although we didn’t fall asleep, we were on the edge of our seat the whole time and we didn’t hear that we had arrived in Manresa.

One hour later, my father called me asking “Oriol, where are you?” and I answered him “We are still on the train”. “You have missed your stop” my father said.

“You have missed your stop”

My father was right, we had missed our train station and we were going to the final stop: Lleida. The main problem was that our train was the last one of the day,

so we had two options: calling a taxi to take us home, or sleeping in a hostel in Lleida until Sunday. Finally, we decided on the second option and we spent all Sunday

morning doing sightseeing in Lleida.

When we took the train again in order to go back home, we

decided not to watch Netflix or listen to music. Suddenly, we heard “Next stop: Manresa” and we prepared our luggage to get off of the train.

At the end, after more than 24 hours, we arrived home. That day we learned that when we use our mobile, we are wasting time of our life.

Rodalies R12 train in Sants Station, Barcelona