Acta Dermato-Venereologica 99-1CompleteContent | Page 8
COMMENTARY (see article on p. 58)
Predatory Journals in Dermatology: A Hidden Danger
Guy SHALOM 1,2
Clalit Health Services, Tel Aviv, 2 Siaal Research Center for Family Medicine and Primary Care, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. E-mail: [email protected]
This issue of ActaDV includes a study that uncovers
worrisome findings about predatory journals and their
impact on patients (1). Richtig and colleagues performed
a prospective survey of a group of 286 Austrian dermato-
logists regarding their knowledge and daily interface with
predatory journals. Less than 30% of participants had
prior knowledge of predatory journals and almost 90%
did not know how to identify such journals. On the other
hand, more than 40% of participating dermatologists had
been shown scientific literature by their patients, and due
to lack of knowledge, more than 60% could not determine
whether it came from predatory journals.
Predatory journals are an increasing problem that
affects all clinicians in daily practice and research.
Maddy & Tosti (2) identified 76 predatory journals in
the field of dermatology out of 1,058 predatory journals
in Baell’s list, as of July 2016. Scientifically speaking,
these journals constitute a significant hazard as they do
not provide a thorough peer-review, they are exposed
to a bias of hidden potential conflicts of interest and
many other professional issues. Predatory journals are
therefore strongly unreliable and highly controversial.
On the other hand, they are easily available online, with
free-of-charge open-access, which makes them highly
reachable for our patients. Consequently, as Richtig and
colleagues demonstrate, predatory journals increasingly
affect patients’ decisions and judgement in a disturbing
manner. Predatory journals therefore pose a serious,
but rather hidden, danger to the scientific community
and its image. The current study highlights this lack of
knowledge for the first time.
doi: 10.2340/00015555-3038
Acta Derm Venereol 2019; 99: 4
It has been suggested that all journals should spread
the word about predatory journals, and investigators have
urged boycotting any journal with predatory practices
(3, 4). Shahriari et al. (5) proposed that Clark’s 5-points
to be used as a guideline to identify predatory journals.
These guidelines, as well as Beall’s criteria (6), should
be used when faced with a questionable journal.
Academic institutions, leading journals, dermatology
departments and senior academics should be aware of
these unethical journals, warn new eager scientists who
are trying to distribute their studies, and support the re-
search community by creating true reachable alternatives.
Training for medical students and young residents should
continuously include education on how to recognize
predatory practices. The present study by Richtig and
colleagues (1) takes exactly that line.
1. Richtig G, Richtig M, Hoetzenecker W, Saxinger W, Lange-
Asschenfeldt B, et al. The knowledge and influence of preda-
tory journals in dermatology – a Pan-Austrian survey. Acta
Derm Venereol 2019; 98: 58–62.
2. Maddy AJ, Tosti A. Predatory journals in dermatology. Br J
Dermatol 2017; 177: 307–309.
3. Moher D, Srivastava A. You are invited to submit. BMC Med
2015; 13: 180.
4. Clark J, Smith R. Firm action needed on predatory journals.
BMJ 2015; 350: h210.
5. Shahriari N, Grant-Kels JM, Payette MJ. Predatory journals:
how to recognize and avoid the threat of involvement with
these unethical “publishers”. J Am Acad Dermatol 2016;
75: 658–659.
6. Beall J. List of Publishers. Scholarly Open Access. Available
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Journal Compilation © 2019 Acta Dermato-Venereologica.