Acta Dermato-Venereologica 99-1CompleteContent | Page 7
Change of Editor-in-Chief
Professor Artur Schmidtchen has recently made a decision
to step down as the Editor-in-Chief of ActaDV at the end
of 2018, due to other challenging commitments. However,
he will still continue to work with ActaDV as a Section
Editor. The Board of the Society for publishing Acta
Dermato-Venereologica regrets but also understands his
decision and would like to thank him for many years of
devoted and much appreciated service for the journal both
as Co-editor 2010–2017 and as Editor-in-Chief 2018. As
his replacement the Board has now appointed Professor
Olle Larkö, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
Olle Larkö is a prominent derma-
tologist and key-opinion-leader
in Sweden and Europe as well as
a distinguished member of many
national and international boards
of dermatology and venereology.
He graduated from Gothenburg
University in 1971 and became a
professor of dermato-venereology
at the same university in 1999. He was the dean at the
Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University between
2006 and 2016. His primary scientific interests are in
dermato-oncology, skin surgery, psoriasis and photo-
dermatology, and his publication list includes 104 papers
in these as well as other areas. He was the president of
the EADV meeting in Gothenburg in 2010 and chairman
of the Society for publishing ActaDV between 2011 and
The Board warm-heartedly welcomes Professor Olle
Larkö as our new Editor-in-Chief from 2019 and on-
Anders Vahlquist
Chairman of the Society from 2019
Former Editor-in-Chief of ActaDV
Agneta Andersson
Editorial Manager
On May 15, 2020 Acta Dermato-Venereologica will celebrate its 100-year anniversary with a symposium
in Stockholm, Sweden.
Chairperson (Olle Larkö)
”ActaDV 100 year; an historic perspective” (Anders Vahlquist)
”Inflammation and wound healing” (tbd)
”Skin fragility and blistering diseases” (Leena Bruckner-Tuderman)
11.00–12.30 ”Psoriasis: News in pathogenesis and therapy” (Jonathan Barker)
”At last – some real progress in atopic dermatitis” (Hywel Williams)
Chairperson (Anders Vahlquist)
13.30–15.00 ”Is permanent cure for genodermatoses in sight?” (Jouni Uitto)
”Melanoma: News in epidemiology and therapy” (Julia Newton-Bishop)
”Itch; scratching the surface is not enough” (Gil Yosipovitch)
15.30–16.30 ”Combatting skin infections: A priority not just in Africa” (Roderick Hay)
”The changing spectrum of STI in Europe” (Angelika Stary)
End of meeting” The promising future of ActaDV” (Olle Larkö)
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Journal Compilation © 2019 Acta Dermato-Venereologica.
doi: 10.2340/00015555-3096
Acta Derm Venereol 2019; 99: 3