Structured content
Inherited diseases and malformations
Lipoid Proteinosis: A Previously Unrecognized Mutation and Therapeutic Response to Acitretin,
C. Carnevale, et al.
A Large Skin-colored Nodule on the Plantar Foot: A Quiz, N.W. Rojek, et al. 1249–1251
Photodynamic Therapy with Red Light and 5-Aminolaevulinic Acid for Herpes Simplex Recur-
rence: Preliminary Results, B.J. Osiecka, et al.
Cutis Verticis Gyrata Fluctuation with Atopic Dermatitis Disease Activity, H. Kosumi, et al. 1239–1240
Efficacy of a Daily Protective Moisturizer with High UVB and UVA Photoprotection in Decreasing
Ultraviolet Damage: Evaluation by Reflectance Confocal Microscopy, A. Gomes-Neto, et al.
Long-Term Trend in Sunscreen Use among Beachgoers in Denmark, I.M. Heerfordt, et al.
Photodynamic Therapy with Red Light and 5-Aminolaevulinic Acid for Herpes Simplex Recur-
rence: Preliminary Results, B.J. Osiecka, et al. 1196–1201
Use of Molecular Biology Techniques in Sarcoidal Granulomatous Dermatitis: A Clinicopatholo-
gical and Molecular Approach with Diagnostic Implications, T.C. Esteves, et al. 1241–1242
Mycoplasma genitalium and Macrolide Resistance-associated Mutations in the Skåne Region of
Southern Sweden 2015, O. Forslund, et al.
Use of Molecular Biology Techniques in Sarcoidal Granulomatous Dermatitis: A Clinicopatholo-
gical and Molecular Approach with Diagnostic Implications, T.C. Esteves, et al.
An HIV-negative Same-sex Male Couple Both Infected With Hepatitis C Virus, R.C.A. Achter-
bergh, et al.
Trichomonas vaginalis is Rare Among Women in Iceland, I. Hilmarsdottir, et al. 1235–1238
Long-Term Trend in Sunscreen Use among Beachgoers in Denmark, I.M. Heerfordt, et al.
Lethal Melanomas: A Population-based Registry Study in Western Sweden from 1990 to 2015,
M. Claeson, et al.
Agreement Between Self-reported Inflammatory Skin Disorders and Dermatologists’ Diagnosis:
A Cross-sectional Diagnostic Study, C. Phan, et al.
Consumer Behaviour Among Nickel-allergic Patients, M.G. Ahlström, et al. 1202–1205
Determinants of Psychosocial Health in Psoriatic Patients: A Multinational Study, K. Lesner, et al.
Suicidal Ideation in Adult Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: A German Cross-sectional Study,
J. Dieris-Hirche, et al. 1182–1188
Facial dermatoses, skin aging and cosmesis
Lasers, UV-irradiation and dermatologic therapy
Mucous membranes and granulomatous diseases
Microbiology, STI and genital dermatology
Epidemiology and socioeconomics
Psychodermatology and quality of life