Acta Dermato-Venereologica 97-10CompleteContent | Page 5


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Advances in dermatology and venereology Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Skin biology and inflammation
Increased Interleukin-19 Expression in Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma and Atopic Dermatitis , 1172 – 1177 T . Oka , et al . Mineral Depositions of Calcifying Skin Disorders are Predominantly Composed of Carbonate 1178 – 1181 Apatite , M . Franzen , et al . Microdialysis in Profiling Cytokines and Other Macromolecules in the Skin in Health and Disease : 1269 – 1270 A Comment to Falcone et al ., B . Ghafouri and C . D . Anderson
Metabolism and internal medicine ,
Risk of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and its Relationship 1230 – 1234 to Uraemic Pruritus , C-C . Wang , et al .
Atopy , allergy and eczema
Suicidal Ideation in Adult Patients with Atopic Dermatitis : A German Cross-sectional Study , 1189 – 1195 J . Dieris-Hirche , et al . Cutis Verticis Gyrata Fluctuation with Atopic Dermatitis Disease Activity , H . Kosumi , et al . 1245 – 1246 Consumer Behaviour Among Nickel-allergic Patients , M . G . Ahlström , et al . 1247 – 1248
Psoriasis and autoimmune diseases
Determinants of Psychosocial Health in Psoriatic Patients : A Multinational Study , K . Lesner , et al . 1182 – 1188 Autoimmune Disease in Children and Adolescents with Psoriasis : A Cross-Sectional Study in 1225 – 1229 Denmark , C . Blegvad , et al . Agreement Between Self-reported Inflammatory Skin Disorders and Dermatologists ’ Diagnosis : 1243 – 1244 A Cross-sectional Diagnostic Study , C . Phan , et al .
Immunology , lymphoma and HIV / AIDS
Increased Interleukin-19 Expression in Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma and Atopic Dermatitis , 1172 – 1177 T . Oka , et al . An HIV-negative Same-sex Male Couple Both Infected With Hepatitis C Virus , R . C . A . Achterbergh , et al .
1255 – 1257
Drug development and adverse reactions
Circulating Tumour DNA for Monitoring Treatment Response to Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy in 1212 – 1218 Melanoma Patients , A . Ashida , et al . Cutaneous Side Effects of Single Versus Combined BRAF Inhibitors : A Comment to Erfan et al ., 1267 – 1268 R . Anforth and P . Fernandez-Penas
Skin tumours and pigmentation
Lethal Melanomas : A Population-based Registry Study in Western Sweden from 1990 to 2014 , 1206 – 1211 M . Claeson , et al . Circulating Tumour DNA for Monitoring Treatment Response to Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy in 1212 – 1218 Melanoma Patients , A . Ashida , et al . Seven Non-melanoma Features to Rule Out Facial Melanoma , P . Tschand , et al . 1219 – 1224 Risk of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and its Relationship 1230 – 1234 to Uraemic Pruritus , C-C . Wang , et al . Coincident Metastatic Melanoma and Merkel Cell Carcinoma with Complete Remission on Treatment with Pembrolizumab , A . Thiem , et al .
1252 – 1254
A Pinkish-Blue Exophytic Nodule on the Arm of an Elderly Man : A Quiz , C . Pagliarello , et al . 1261 – 1262 Bone Formation in Cutaneous Nodules on the Leg : A Quiz , F . Toberer , et al . 1263 – 1264 A Large Skin-colored Nodule on the Plantar Foot : A Quiz , N . W . Rojek , et al . 1265 – 1266
Wounds , vascular disorders and connective tissues
Henoch-Schönlein Purpura : A Literature Review , L . E . Hetland , et al . 1160 – 1166 The Role of Topical Timolol in the Treatment of Infantile Hemangiomas : A Systematic Review 1167 – 1171 and Meta-analysis , M . Khan , et al .
Hair , nails and adnexal disorders A Pinkish-Blue Exophytic Nodule on the Arm of an Elderly Man : A Quiz , C . Pagliarello , et al . 1261 – 1262
Acta Derm Venereol 2017 ; 97 : 1155 – 1156