ACT Dance Model Sing Magazine Issue 28 | Page 5

magazine called BeFreetoChoose . org , to help with the difficult decisions regarding the training actors are looking for , because classes can be expensive ."

magazine called BeFreetoChoose . org , to help with the difficult decisions regarding the training actors are looking for , because classes can be expensive ."

Speaking of expenses and financing your career , David mentioned there is a real advantage to having a war chest when you come to Los Angeles or New York to become an actor . " If you don ’ t have money and you don ’ t have the ability to make money , then the struggle will be a thousand times worse . But if you plan ahead of time and provide yourself with the resources you need , then you ’ ll be much better off . Almost all of the good classes cost about the same , about $ 250 a month . So , if you plan to go into this industry , then get a great job and save your money ." David came out to LA with a six figure war chest he admitted he didn ’ t have to touch much while he trained and prepared for his new career .
Samuel L . Jackson once responded to TV host , David Letterman ’ s comment of being an overnight success by saying , “ It took me fifteen years to be an overnight success .” When David heard this , he took it to heart and established a five year , a ten year and a fifteen year plan , all that were well thought out and he also admitted to having a fifty year plan , just in case . He got his first major role at age fifty . “ Acting for me is a second major career change for my life .”
When asked about auditioning tips , David said , " I don ' t have any secrets to auditioning , although I highly recommend Michael Kostroff ' s course , Audition Psychology 101 , to anyone who is auditioning . ( Kostroff is the author and actor from LAW AND ORDER .) His approach to auditioning is a fine tuned version of my approach when auditioning .
Like he suggests , I always bring excitement and anticipation . I leave the nerves in the car . I am completely off book and I have character alternatives in my back pocket , ready to go . I ’ m off book because I created an app called Rehearsal ® Pro , which makes sure I am prepared and does the same thing for about eighty thousand other actors all over the world . Being prepared is the best possible tools you could have ."
" The next best possible tool is to walk in with the belief that you ’ re not going to get the job because you ’ re not . It would be great if you did , but the sad fact is , you ' re not going to get it . When I walk in with that resolve , then I am free to just act . The cool thing I ’ m usually right . I keep track of my numbers and 72 percent of the time I am absolutely correct . I did not get the job , but that also means , 28 percent of the time I am irrevocably incorrect ; and I booked it !. Now that ' s a great feeling ."
" Something else to remember , when I have the attitude that I ' m not getting the job , I don ' t generate desperation in my performance . Casting can smell fear . When I walk in knowing i ' m not going to get this job , the audition becomes absolutely fun . I am open to doing it the way I want and if casting wants to change it up , then I change it . I ' m ready and prepared ."
When David arrives at the audition , he never has excuses and he is just thrilled to be there , and we can imagine the energy and the magic he brings to his characters .
Performing has been a dream all throughout David ' s life . It ’ s been radio , performance , and technology , with the three intertwining back and forth . David worked 35 years in radio , both local network and syndicated , and then formed a group called the American Comedy Network in New York , were he established an on-radio format for many other stations to follow . As a voice over talent , David worked on all kinds of great projects . He even worked on a video game and voiced over 64 of the characters ! David also created a company that produced commercial and interview parodies , sound effects and song parodies for the smaller radio stations to use in their programing for more interesting and comedic shows . These elements have made the smaller stations sound like they were big league rather than broadcasting from a little station in the middle of nowhere . He worked for America Online and was the voice of their tech first support lines for almost 30 years . He worked for companies such as NASA , Google , and Yahoo . David started his first relationship with a computer , a Mac , from the day it was released in 1984 and he still uses a MacBook Pro to this day . He uses technology to help advance whatever project he is working on .
“ Technology is one of our greatest tools . In 2009 , I was working on the set of HEROS and was in my agent ’ s office on a Monday afternoon when he got a call for me to come in for an audition the next day for the show COMMUNITY . My agent mentioned I was sitting right there in his office , but I would be on-set working the next day , and couldn ' t attend the audition . The woman at the casting office told me to get to the casting office by the end of business that same day , and they ’ d put me on tape , since they knew I was already approved by NBC , so I would be sent straight to producers because they knew of me and loved my work . That was all very nice except it was 3:30 p . m . and I was in Studio City ( Los Angeles ), and close of business was 5:30 p . m . Casting sent
Continued on pg 6
Cover Photo , Pg . 3- 6 photos by Ali Donze , Donze Photography , donzephotography . com , Los Angeles , CA
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