ACT Dance Model Sing Magazine Issue 28 | Page 4

ON THE COVER Actor, VO Talent , Storytelling Coach, & Technologist David H. Lawrence , XVII A At the first, “hello,” we could see why sion or network until 2007. Instead, I auditioned and season, I was at the wrap party and the casting direc- this actor, voice over talent, entrepreneur, problem filmed over 150 student films, because that’s how tor said, “You know why we brought you in, right?” I solver, creator, and inventor, is so successful. With many you have to do, to get the footage that you told him I had no idea. He said he saw a clip from a his velvet voice and intelligent, expressive eyes, Da- need for a two minute reel (we both chuckled).” student film where I played some creepy ring master, vid H. Lawrence, XVII has a very down to earth, no- so he brought me in and the rest was history." nonsense, get real approach to the industry. He has projects, he offered, "Well there are two things work- had a diverse career, spanning a couple of decades, ing against you. Number one is that many schools aspect of HEROS, when I walked into that audition in radio, stage, television, and film. It was a privilege are just playing at being film schools. There are room and everybody in the room was highly recogniz- to sit and talk with him in the middle of West Hol- many colleges with very high pedigrees, that offer able, I tried to keep it together. If you think you can lywood, California this past week. film programs, yet don’t even come close to Univer- walk into that room as an unknown actor and have When asked about working on student "Reminiscing about the auditioning David came to Los Angeles in 2003, sity of Southern California (USC) and Chapman’s your self-esteem raised, you’ve go another thing the goal to do on-camera work. His previouse ex- film programs. These two colleges are the only coming. I was surrounded by actors and characters periences were mainly on-mike work in radio for 35 places that I recommend to work with. The other that scared the crap out of me every week on televi- years. It was important to him that he didn’t start au- local schools fall short in commparison. The majority sion and in films. Come on, I was sitting across from ditioning seriously until he felt completly prepared, of the people that end up working in the industry are the guy that played the bad guy in GOLDFINGER! understood how the business works, and received the graduates from USC and Chapman. Period. If Even though he looked like he was in his nineties, he some really good training. you are serious about acting and want a really good was prepared to do what he does best, like he has “I began my training, in terms of the art demo reel, then you want to be in productions that done in all the other projects he’s worked in." of acting, from instructor, Howard Fine, and also have great lighting, great sound, great stories, great from a book called, 'Secrets of Screen Acting,' by direction, and great editing. Film with a team that and my go-to reading, mentioned earlier, I highly rec- Patrick Tucker. They became a lynchpin of how I've gives an end product that looks like network quality. ommend casting workshops offered at studios such approach acting all these years. I had to learn how Both schools are at the top of the list and it was a as ACT Now, Actors Key, Connect Studios and Real to let go of my on-air radio personsonality. One of clip from a student film from Chapman and another Pros. I recommend them all for different reasons. the problems with radio people is they’re always too one from USC that actually got me to audition for the Each has it’s unique benefits. Actors just need to loud. When on set, they figure the louder and more show that most people know me best from, a show keep training and getting the opportunity to build re- dramatic they are, the better, but it doesn't work that called HEROS. I played Eric Doyle, one of the really lationships with casting directors, giving you a huge way. Louder isn't better on camera, as it is on radio. I bad guys on the show. advantage, to learn directly from the source. I’m so in didn’t actually start auditioning for anything on televi- favor of casting workshops that I created a website "Speaking of HEROS, after the first Page 4 "Regarding training, beside Howard Fine