i have a question!
ACT has answers!
• Dear ACT:
My name is Stacy and I am a singer, dancer, actor and model. I am 16
years old and I am frustrated with my teeth. I feel like they are stained
(from normal use) and I would like to lighten them. I don't even like
to smile in my pictures. My mom said I could try a natural method, but
would not let me go to a professional until I was over 18. She also said
she wouldn't pay for it because she didn't believe in it, that it could
harm my teath. What do you think?
Hi Stacy, I totally get it, when it
comes to white teeth and smiling. We are shown on TV, the big
screen and practally every photo
out, there really white smiles. But
the truth of the matter is that not
every smile is pure white. Teeth
are all different shades of white,
blue-white to yellow-white. Next time you are at the dentist, have them
show you the models that show the many shade of white for teeth. They
use the models when they are making dentures and crowns.
The Next Generation
The Next Generation
As a young person of the next generation, I bet
you have a lot to say. You are doing so much for
your friends, your families, your communities,
your world. You work hard, train hard, study
hard and play hard. So, we want to hear from
you! This section is just for you. Do you have
something to say? Ideas or topics you would
like to share? Maybe topics you would like us
to explore? Questions for us to answer? Maybe
you know interesting people and would like to
interview them? Have you taken photos or won
awesome awards? Please let us know! Clear it
Actors and performers will use harsh whiteners to whiten their teeth,
And some do it so often that their smile starts to look blue and with
it comes an increase the sensitivity to hot and cold food and liquid,
We see toothpaste commercials asking us to take the 'tissue test' by
holding up a tissue to our smile to see if it is as white as a tissue. I actually have a darker (and more yellow) shade white for my teeth, while
my daughter has a more whiter shade. As we get older our teeth also
change color, based on the amount of enamal we have on our teeth,
It is so important to take good care of your teeth so you have them in
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