ACT Dance Model Sing Magazine Issue 28 | Page 39

TM by Jada Jackson , with assistant Nicole



The pressure of being “ pretty ” seems to increase from generation to generation . From way back in the 1920s , with Clara Bow who was the original “ it Girl ”, Society seemed to be obsessed with looking and feeling externally beautiful . American society seems to send a message , especially to girls and women , that being pretty is what makes you matter . One of America ’ s most notorious symbol of beauty was 1950 ' s actress Marilyn Monroe . Her blonde hair and white silhouette , that showed off her curves , made her one of the most famous beauty icons to this day . But Marilyn Monroe was also known for her troubled childhood , that lead to her suffering and eventually lead to her death by an overdose .
Her mother suffered from severe paranoid schizophrenia , and spent most of her life in institutions , which caused her to neglect her daughter ( biography . com ). Marilyn was raised in 12 different foster homes and worried that her mother ’ s illness was hereditary ( dailymail . co . uk ). She suffered from loneliness , sexual abuse , and neglect as a child . Recent studies that have focused on Marilyn ' s psychological state , suggest that she suffered from borderline personality disorder ( dailymail . co . uk ). She was known for her sex appeal with men , in which she looked for love ( dailymail . co . uk ). But she was also known to lash out at those close to her , and she also battled substance abuse ( dailymail . co . uk ). Her struggles with mental illness , substance abuse , loneliness , and unhappiness eventually lead to her death by an overdose of barbiturates , at the young age of 36 ( history . com ). Her death was ruled as a probable suicide ( history . com ). Why was the world so interested in Marilyn Monroe ’ s sex appeal and beauty , but ignored the emotional battle she has with herself ?
What is it about someone ’ s looks that makes us automatically attracted to them ? This is not just true about people , but also about our choice for objects . In our materialistic society , we are attracted to everything that we consider pretty . With the old saying “ diamonds are a girls best friend ,” we choose something based on what it looks like , and emphasize more than the object ’ s use and effectiveness . Why are we so attracted to beauty ? Beauty can be negative and positive . Feeling beautiful can help
boost self-esteem and quality of life , but it can also create a personal judgment about who is beautiful and who isn ' t . Beautiful women are thought to be likable , financially successful , and happy . But what we don ’ t realize is that beauty is only a small part of who a person is .
Success should be something that is obtained from hard work and the skills that someone has . Studies show that attractive people are usually hired sooner , get promotions faster , and are paid more than non attractive people ( businessinsider . com ). What this tells the young people who are entering the work force , is that if you are not considered " pretty ," you have little chance to be successful , no matter how hard you try , or how qualified you are . Change starts with you , the next time you are looking for an object or see a person that you consider to be " pretty ," look for these qualities :
1 . Personality and in the case of an object , this would be the quality of the object . 2 . Skills and in the case of an object , this would be it ' seffectiveness . 3 . Morality and in the case of an object , this would be it ' s use .
Photos Courtesy of Jada Jackson , www . jadajackson . com
Jada Jackson , LMHC , NCC , M . S . - TV host , author , coach , motivational speaker , licensed mental health counselor , communicator , and life coach . She is known for her transparent , practical style of speaking , teaching and coaching . Her passion is to guide others into meaningful and purposeful living .
Nicole is a psychology student at the University of Central Florida . She has always had a passion for psychology and helping people overcome the challenges in their loves . She especially has a passion for working with children and families . She plans on continuing on to receive her PhD in clinical psychology specializing in children and their development .
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