ACS_Giving_Report_2020 | Page 25

Anonymous Alek Andreev Avis Calleo Bohlen Lilyana Boneva Nikolay Borisov Vassil Chatalbashev Lilia Dobreva Andrey Evtimov Richard Ewing William Fisher & Kalinda Webb
Gifts of 4,999 – 1,000 leva
Ilian Georgiev Rossen Georgiev Google Nora Hesse Dimitar Hristov IMC Svilen Karaivanov Tihomir Kostadinov Nikola Kouzmanov Dimitar Kyurkchiev
Jordan Marvakov Microsoft Elena Onbright Todor Penev Milena Rizova Richard Robarts Estate Borislav Stefanov Joel F . Studebaker Todor Todorov
During my time at ACS , I was so impressed by the stories of students coming from all over Bulgaria under different circumstances to attend . That diversity makes ACS special . My contribution is to support the diverse student body , and particularly , the continued efforts to make ACS even more accessible to families that find full tuition too big a sacrifice .
Brian Horneck , former ACS teacher
Anonymous Yordan Cenov Filip Cherganski Todor Dimanov Dimitar Dimitrov Ilka Dimova
Gifts of 999 – 500 leva
Georgi Klissurski Valentin Georgiev Lyubitsa Gerasimova Pavlina Halawy Enio Nakov Vladislava Paskova
Kathryn Polansky Mario Prohasky Emil Raychev Sarah Skaggs-Dimitrova Boris Statev Teodora Todorova
Circumstances around us are changing constantly , and so we ’ re looking for different ways to support our communities . I am fortunate to work in a successful global organization , VMware , which has set up a way for its employees to designate a gift to a cause of their choice . For some time , I ’ ve wanted to give back to ACS . I ’ ve earned an award through our company ’ s foundation , which I designated as a gift of 10,000 leva towards Financial Aid at the College . Many companies have established such opportunities for their employees , so I encourage you to look for opportunities like that at your workplace . The current students at ACS can definitely use our help in these turbulent times , and we can contribute to their success !
Vesselin Arnaudov ’ 01