ACES Newsletter May Issue | Page 3

The Brooklawn Buzz May/June 2016 Edition Noela replies in a despondent tone, “We had the map in our custody years ago before the Evil Queen stole it and left a curse on our land.” At this point I was desperate, I needed to find a way home or else I would’ve gone mad. I was desperate and I didn’t care anymore. I felt like going over to the Evil Queen, taking her staff, and smacking her in the head with it. I didn’t care anymore; all I wanted to do was go home and sleep on my bed, not care about anything, and not have to go on a journey to find a map and get out of a well. I tried to pretend that it was all a dream; that I was sleeping and that I would wake up at any moment, but obviously figuring out that none of this was a dream. I started to cry again, but then I realized that crying wasn’t going to help the situation or solve the problem. So I decided to pick myself up and went over to Noela. “Do you have a path or trail we can follow in order to find this map?” I request in a shaking voice. Noela pleaded, “We will tell you where the trail is and what you have to achieve in order to get it but, you need to help us, PLEASE, I beg you!” Keely replied agitatedly, “We will help as much as we possibly can, but what do you need help with exactly?” She questioned the three. Leo responded hesitantly as if we were going to kill them, “Well, as Noela said before, our world is cursed and we need your help to remove the curse from the land.” Keely said enraged, “Will you just tell us what we have to do in order to get back to our world?” “When the two of you go to the Evil Queen, you have to bring back the Evil Queen’s staff. Having her staff will leave her powerless, the staff will be given to the Fairy Godmother, who is the most powerful magic user. When the Fairy Godmother has the staff she will be able to lift the curse, and will not only help us but, it will help you too in a way,” Leo responded quickly. “We’ll do it! You guys have helped us a lot, so why not give something wonderful back in return?” I responded faster than I had ever imagined. We couldn’t start on our expedition yet. I began to get agitated and convulse unknowingly. Leo, Noela, and Spring brought us to their town we stayed at a little motel runned by a family of goblins. It was weird that I felt at home there. We waited for the next day to come around, which was longer than I had imagined. It started to rain outside of the motel so Keely and I gave the three our thanks, and said that we were meeting at the town hall at 10:00 a.m. When we got into the motel, Keely and I hit our heads, so we crouched down on our knees. We then got a room, ordered food, and paid with the money that Leo gave us. Keely questioned doubtfully, “Do you think that we will get home soon enough?” “I don’t think so,” I then paused dramatically, “I know so.” After a seventeen word conversation we went to bed only awaiting our crazy journey near ahead. >>>>>>To Be Continued<<<<<< 3