ACCT 556 RANK Great Stories Here/ ACCT 556 RANK Great Stories Here/ | Page 9

In order to focus on important accounting concepts, certain simplifications are necessary to make this case manageable. The student should keep the following simplifications in mind while working on this case:  Work in process inventories will be ignored.  Financial and IRS tax will be the same.  Some projections for 2006 will be given.  Standards used for the 2006 budget will be the reasonably obtainable standards.  No hourly worker will work overtime.  A ll price changes will occur on January 1st and will remain in effect for the entire year.  The actual 2005 information is available while preparing the 2006 budget.  All debt transactions will occur either on January 1st or December 31st.  There are no bad debts. The student should also keep in mind that the budgeting process is not an exact science; therefore, approximate figures provide adequate information for the decision maker. Figures should be rounded to the whole dollar throughout the budgeting process and the control applications. Since it is not possible to have a partial machine or person, certain figures will always have to be rounded up. GENERAL COMPANY INFORMATION Fantastic, Inc. is a paint manufacturing company that produces two qualities of paint, Super and Stupendous. The company was established eight years ago and began with only one type of paint. Sales of the original product have been rather stable in the past 5 years. In 2003, a second, higher quality paint was introduced, and sales of this product have increased each year due to reasonably effective sales efforts. The president is currently concerned about