ACCT 556 RANK Great Stories Here/ ACCT 556 RANK Great Stories Here/ | Page 10

the potential inefficient use of capacity and the effect that this has on profits. All raw materials are currently purchased from outside suppliers and no difficulty is foreseen in obtaining the necessary inventories for production in the future. All inventories are currently considered to be at the lowest safe levels possible given the delivery, production, and sales cycles. Given the current production capacity, the company will have room for expansion for the next few years without building new facilities or expanding the current building. The company will also have the option of starting a second production shift to support future sales if necessary; therefore, increased production will be obtainable through purchasing additional equipment or increasing production hours. At this time, however, the president is not considering a second shift due the additional $1.00 per hour shift differential that would be necessary to pay the hourly second shift workers. The company had a cash flow problem in 2005 but has always managed to make all payments on a timely basis. The president wishes to increase the amount of cash on hand in the future so that the company will have a greater margin of safety. To date, the company has not had difficulty obtaining financing for expansion and does not foresee any future difficulties in obtaining necessary funding for legitimate purposes. The company has paid a consistently good dividend to the stockholders. The president would like to continue this p