Accelerate Experience Design with Design-driven innovation and Human-centred design approach Accelerate Experience Design | Page 16

CHAPTER 3 MEANING • Share: to share insights with team who are working on envisioning activity for the given context, and to and bring together, compare and discuss the result from envisioning step in order to enrich results or to further identify new interpreters. Design, in Latin “de + signare” as making sense (of things.) Klaus Krippendorff A innovative product or service arose not just because it never exists or it’s different in the form of appearance and functionality. A user’s interpretation derived from using this particular product or service is a unique experience that one is always different than the other. It’s the meaning that a user has given to the usage of this product/service, or the Design-driven innovation approach (Verganti, 2009) meaning established by this product-service system that attract users who share the same cognition. • Connect: to building possible design scenarios by finding the connections between the When it comes to explore new meaning for Craftventure users, I adopt the ideation envisioned proposals. An effective approach is to identify several dimensions with as- process from Design-Driven Innovation principle which includes 5 major steps: envision, pects of each clustering into opposing polarities. share, connect, select and embody19. This five steps are can be used in workshop assisting in given context in order to decide design direction. Key activities within each step are: • Select: to gauge which design scenarios to move on based on dimensions and factors. • Embody: To give form to a new meaning and language and to facilitate the idea com- • Envision: to produce insights. By introducing key interpreters who are immersed in the design discourse to share their interpretations, we envision the implications from our munication to relevant audience in order to move on to next conceptualization and product development. own research and explorations in order to give form to our insights through various media: metaphors, analogies, stories and prototypes. 19 Verganti, R. (2009). Design-Driven 16 Innovation: Changing the Rules of Competition by Radically Innovating What Things Mean. (R. Verganti, Ed.)Harvard Business School Press Books (Vol. 52, p. 1)