ACC 571 Endless Education / ACC 571 Endless Education / | Page 9

For this assignment , research the Internet or Strayer databases and identify an organization that was a victim of cybercrime .
Write a four to five ( 4-5 ) page paper in which you :
Based on your research , identify and assess the fraud that occurred in the organization , as well as the impact that the fraud had on the corporation ’ s investors and creditors . Suggest how a financial forensic investigation could have detected fraud in the organization that you researched . Consider the risk factors , the elements of fraud , and the analysis of competing hypotheses . Asses the economic losses that occurred at the organization you researched and recommend a plan of action for the company to restore any economic losses . Compare and contrast accidental fraudsters and predators . Give your opinion on what type of fraudster ( s ) committed fraud at the organization you researched . Provide support for your rationale . Evaluate how teamwork and leadership are effective tools for financial forensic investigations . Provide support for your evaluation . Use at least three ( 3 ) quality resources in this assignment . Note : Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources . Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements : Be typed , double spaced , using Times New Roman font ( size 12 ), with one-inch margins on all sides ; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format . Check with your professor for any additional instructions . Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment , the student ’ s name , the professor ’ s name , the course title , and the date . The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length . The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are : Examine different types of organizational illegal activities , including cybercrimes and the impact to the organization .