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ACC 571 Week 4 Assignment 2 Cybercrimes and Computer
Security Systems
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Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements : Be typed , double spaced , using Times New Roman font ( size 12 ), with one-inch margins on all sides ; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format . Check with your professor for any additional instructions . Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment , the student ’ s name , the professor ’ s name , the course title , and the date . The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length . The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are : Examine the basic concepts related to fraud , including environment , impact , and the methodologies related to fraud examination . Use technology and information resources to research issues in forensic accounting . Write clearly and concisely about forensic accounting issues using proper writing mechanics .

ACC 571 Week 4 Assignment 2 Cybercrimes and Computer

Security Systems

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ACC 571 Week 4 Assignment 2 Assignment 2 : Cybercrimes and Computer Security Systems
With the advent of computers , cybercrime and Internet frauds are increasing in frequency and in size . The trend is likely to continue . Cybercrimes are described as activities in which a computer or network of computers are an integral part of a crime .