ACC 571 EDU Learn by Doing/ ACC 571 EDU Learn by Doing/ | Page 2

From the e-Activity, compare and contrast theories of crime causation. Speculate as to which theory would have most likely detected fraud at Enron. Assess the six situational categories that cause non-sharable problems. Determine which of these six categories, in your opinion, were prevalent at Enron "Securities Fraud" Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, examine how the Bernie Madoff organization was dismantled and give your opinion on whether you believe he was treated fairly during this process. Give your opinion on whether or not you believe the Securities and Exchange Commission failed in not detecting Bernie Madoff crime earlier. Support your answer. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the Criminal Justice System" Please respond to the following: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires the chief executive officer and the chief financial Officer of public companies to personally certify annual and quarterly SEC filings. These certifications require the CEOs and CFOs to take responsibility for their companies’