Academy of Digital Doctors Journal Edition 1 | Page 18
is clean and well-supplied –
these are some of the tertiary
tasks that FDEs oversee.
Front desk operations
directly impact the
bottom line
Besides the softer aspects of
patient care, FDEs juggle multiple essential activities that
hold your practice together. In
the grand scheme of medical
economics, FDEs directly
affect your bottom line and
Operational issues at the front
desk can affect collections,
which of course, dictate revenue. Healthy collections are
also tied to a lower number of
patient statements and calls
made from your office. In an
insurance environment that
requires higher co-payments
to be made, prompt collection
of co-payments at the time of
the service becomes doubly
important. Here's where the
role of the FDE in ensuring a
thriving practice becomes
crystal clear.
In fact, savvy physician practices are proactive in identifying and rectifying operations-related problems at the
front desk that may be
responsible for a decline in
revenue. They most usually
include issues in collecting
debit/credit cards, collecting
patients' previous balances,
obtaining patients' current
information, verifying insurance information in-person
or electronically.
When practices don't have to
contend with these issues,
profitability is amply supported. It also eliminat