Academy of Digital Doctors Journal Edition 1 | Page 16
telemedicine we can balance
this out.
challenges and help
Indian healthcare leapfrog. What roadblocks do
you see for this to happen
in the near future?
Q: How do you think the
current clinics, hospitals,
and doctors should transform to make the best
Not having a legacy actually
use of this technology
gives us a chance to leapfrog.
revolution happening in
But, the leapfrog requires us to
healthcare in India today?
The idea is to have a digitised system that allows for
end-to- end management of
hospital procedures in a
seamless manner.
The obvious place to start
would be to look at internal
systems — patient care, patient
records, billing, payment,
insurance claims etc. To maximise efficiency while managing
all these it is best to have it
digitised. The idea is to have a
system where end-to-end
hospital procedures are done in
a seamless and effortless
But this could be a challenge
for individual practitioners as
they don’t have the necessary
ecosystem to support them. So
what we must do is ensure that
they have the relevant ecosystem.
Q: So we are sure that
technology is going to
help solve some of these
visualise in a 360 degree
manner how this world will
look in an era where everybody’s health record is on the
cloud, doctors become more
available, and med-devices
help with efficiency. So that
requires us to project into the
future of what is possible.
Q: Do you also feel that
the regulations and guidelines for the medical
industry need to evolve
to keep up with the
technological developments that are taking
Absolutely. It is actually a
global phenomenon that regu-
lation is always behind innovation. This is partly related to
the job as the regulator has to
be conservative to make sure
things don’t go wrong. Another
reason is the pace at which
technology grows, that automatically leaves even the best
regulators behind.
Q: What message would
you want to give out to all
the doctors, hospitals,
entrepreneurs, and other
stakeholders in the
healthcare industry?
I think the time has come for
all stakeholders in the healthcare system to come together
and reimagine how the future
of healthcare will look like in
India. The changes in medical
and information technology
have enabled us to have that
kind of vision, so from here it is
just a massive collaborative
effort for people in the industry
to come together.