Academy League Magazine Issue 2 - October 2014 | Page 3

It's been an outstanding month for Academy League with the release of this, the second issue of the community magazine and we are officially going national with our new franchise network.

Our professional field test laboratory services are being franchised initially throughout Victoria, Australia and then interstate over the coming months.

Each new franchise will provide sports and fitness testing using

the latest SportTesting gates and equipment plus unique analysis

software for fast, efficient data collection and comparison.

Our first partner is established in the Metropolitan South East and

their new website and information is available at the link below:

In addition to our field test laboratories going live, we are also in

training mode to personal trainers and sporting coaches to provide

detailed understanding of sports testing, the data collection, error

management and interpretation. All personal trainers and sports

specific coaches will be recognised by Academy League as partners

to ensure a team of support to the athletes we test.

Our network of Personal Trainers, Coaches and Test Professionals

is creating the complete package for clubs, players and athletes to get their true level of where they stand and importantly they receive information on their strengths and weaknesses to find areas of improvement.

Fitness testing is now available via our PT partners for everyone to see how they are going. No longer will a simple weight or beep test limit our knowledge as Academy League provide full analysis to anyone and everyone in their health and wellbeing. The first to sign up last month was M.A.D. who have already performed first phase testing to their clients with fantastic results.

If you are a sporting coach, personal trainer or academy owner and are interested in joining our professional sporting network or interested in a business in professional sports testing, drop us an email to [email protected].

Yours in sports

Graham Dudley - CEO Academy League

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