Casting the post-secondary net wide without consideration of the time required to complete the full application may have a negative impact on overall student success in this process . Spending time on one supplemental reduces the time available for others and this may impact the overall quality of these important application elements . Further , time spent on post-secondary applications limits the time available to focus on current courses . At some point , student time for learning is reduced and grades are negatively impacted , thereby lessening the student ’ s ability to meet academic grade requirements . Furthermore students who over-invest their time in post-secondary applications have little time for co-curricular interests , leadership obligations , and healthy social interactions . For this reason , the School has set recommended limits on the number of applications a student should include in her post-secondary plan . These limits are based upon the School ’ s extensive experience in this process , the number of supplementals that are involved in each application , and , increasingly , the unique nature of each supplemental .
Note : Crofton House School will support students with their applications according to the suggested limits .
Guidelines for Applications
Institutions in Canada
Suggested Limit : 4 - 7
Recommendation to apply to at least one ‘ safety ’ institution that a student is genuinely interested in and the offer of admission is probable .
Institutions in the US
Suggested Limit : 12 - 14
Take into consideration the number of essays or written work required for each application . Focus on quality versus quantity .
Recommendation to apply to at least two ‘ safety ’ institutions that a student is genuinely interested in and the offer of admission is probable .
Institutions in the UK
Maximum of 5 UK institutions ( UCAS restriction ).
Note : Students who apply through UCAS will have an opportunity to participate in Clearing if needed .
Institutions in the US & UK *
Suggested Limit : 12 - 14
* It is unusual for students to apply to both US and UK schools . In general , US schools appeal to students who are “ generalists ” while UK schools are seeking students who are “ specialists ”.