weekly on the Career Exploration Opportunities Canvas page by the Manager , Work Integrated Learning .
• Parents / Guardians are invited to attend Family Post-Secondary Counselling Evenings which will cover a range of topics from admissions around the world to course planning . Students will meet with their assigned Post-Secondary Counsellor for a 15-minute individual course planning meeting to ask any follow up questions to support their course planning .
• Students may sign up to attend Post- Secondary Institution visits , on campus or virtually . These opportunities can be found on the PSI Events Google Calendar and on campus sign up is through Naviance .
IMPORTANT NOTE : Students are urged to postpone any post-secondary preparation courses such as taking AP courses or SAT / ACT prep courses until Grade 11 . CHS restricts AP Courses ( offered by the school ) and all AP exam writing to students in Grades 11 and 12 .
Grade 11
• Focus for Grade 11 learning includes :
• Continuing to ensure course selections align with the BC Graduation Program in order to meet the requirements for graduation including number of credits , required courses , graduation assessments ;
• Making informed course selection for Grade 12 that will prepare students for post-secondary application requirements ;
• Continuing to investigate career options and post-secondary institutions of interest ;
• Attending presentations from representatives of various post-secondary institutions at CHS and local postsecondary fairs ;
• Visiting prospective campuses ;
• Participating in scheduled classes to learn about the post-secondary institution selection , application , and admissions processes ;
• Attending scheduled small group postsecondary counselling sessions and individual meetings ; and
• Engaging in an ongoing dialogue with parents and / or guardians to ensure expectations and limitations are well communicated .
• Group meetings with the Post-Secondary Counsellors are facilitated through the Extended Advisory Thursdays during scheduled times .
• In December and January , students complete a Post-Secondary Institution Research assignment in Career-Life Education B , in preparation for a family meeting with their assigned Post-Secondary Counsellor . These meetings take place on Saturdays in January and February .
• In January , Career-Life Education B students have scheduled time with the Post-Secondary Counsellors to focus their direction and begin to formulate a post-secondary plan .
• In the Spring , students will attend a series of workshops geared towards specific application processes and skill development . Individual Post-Secondary meetings are available as needed .
• Students may sign up to attend Post- Secondary Institution visits , on campus or virtually . These opportunities can be found on the PSI Events Google Calendar and on campus sign up is through Naviance .
• Standardized Testing Process
• In October , students considering applying to US post-secondary institutions have the opportunity to write a PSAT - a shortened version of the SAT test .
• In the spring of Grade 11 , students who are interested in applying to universities outside of Canada begin to take SAT or ACT ( if required by their desired postsecondary institution ).
• Grade 11 students who have not completed the Grade 10 Numeracy or Literacy Assessment , will complete these graduation requirements .