Academic Handbook 2022-2023 45
Delivery Method
Classroom and independent study for Capstone Project
Career-Life Connections 12 is a discussion-based course which assists students with their postsecondary , personal , educational and career planning . Students will focus on post-secondary research and the application process . Students will have dedicated workshopping sessions on the process of postsecondary applications , as well as instructional and individual support on crafting application essays that best demonstrate their abilities and experiences . The focal point of the course is a Capstone project , which is designed by students individually , and both coached and mentored by their instructor and additional mentorship opportunities . Delivery is interspersed with interactive modules , dedicated discussions , and collaborative work periods . Students will develop their own personal plans for post-graduation that articulate thoughts about education , career , finances , and health and wellness , and will pursue an area of their own determined purpose and passion .
As part of the new BC Ministry of Education graduation requirements , students will be required to demonstrate that they have 30 designated career exploration hours accounted for , which can include : post-secondary institution visits , the Professional Speaker Mentorship Series , Capstone Mentorship Hours , Grade 10 Ivy Compass Service hours , Grade 11 Ivy Compass Leadership Hours , CHS Work Experience Program , CHS Career Conference , and personal volunteer initiatives outside of the school .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Career-life development includes ongoing cycles of exploring , planning , reflecting , adapting , and deciding
• Career-life decisions influence and are influenced by internal and external factors , including local and global trends
• Engaging in networks and reciprocal relationships can guide and broaden career-life awareness and options
• A sense of purpose and career-life balance support well-being
• Lifelong learning and active citizenship foster career-life opportunities for people and communities
Work Experience
Work Experience is intended to assist in preparing students for the transition from secondary school to the world of work or further education and training . The community becomes the classroom where students gain knowledge and experience about the workplace and are provided with a frame of reference to review their career development goals . By extending education beyond the school , students will be able to use their experiences to reflect upon possible career directions . By accessing a wide and varied scope of work experience opportunities in the community , students :
• Develop a better understanding of effective work habits and the importance of flexibility in dealing with change and challenge in the workplace .
• Gain an understanding and appreciation of work .
• Begin to understand the transferable skills and general attributes that all career sector employers desire in their employees .
• Appreciate the need to develop the self-reliance , self-direction , and confidence necessary for effective teamwork , lifelong learning , and workplace success .
• Develop employability and job readiness skills required to access and meet the standards of the workplace .
Career placement opportunities are available for students within a wide variety of career sectors . This allows students to combine an interest in a career sector with an enriched and optional work experience component . These placements can count towards the required 30-hour component for graduation , but more importantly , are an excellent venue to explore the realities of a given workplace and to gain relevant work experience in an area of interest . Students may apply on a first-come first-served basis for placements as there are a limited number of placements available during each school vacation period .
Students may complete the optional work experience placements in their grade 11 or 12 years . These