Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 130

Crofton House School
Social Justice 12
Prerequisite Social Studies 10
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using various modes of teaching and learning , including Harkness discussions
This course uses social studies inquiry processes to foster skills and attitudes that enhance students ’ abilities to recognize and understand the causes of injustice , apply critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills to social justice issues in local , national , and global societies , understand how to act in a socially just manner , and become responsible agents of change . This course will provide students the opportunity to define frameworks of social justice ; examine their own self-identity and how they relate to others ; examine a variety of social justice issues that affect Canadian and global societies , and how those issues affect individuals and groups ; examine governmental and nongovernmental organizations and their attempt to build a more socially just society ; and the processes and approaches that individuals can use to promote social justice . This course is framed by the following Big Ideas : social justice issues are interconnected ; individual worldviews shape and inform our understanding of social justice issues ; the causes of social injustice are complex and have lasting impacts on society ; social justice initiatives can transform individuals and systems . Curricular competencies developed at this level will build on the competencies introduced in previous years and help prepare students for post-secondary studies in the humanities . Assessment may include : student project work , debates , presentations , interactive group assignments , case analyses , class discussion , and unit tests .
AP Human Geography
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Social Studies 10 and permission of the Department Head 4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using various modes of teaching and learning , including Harkness discussions
In this Advanced Placement course students will be challenged to learn about the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding , use , and alteration of the Earth ’ s surface . Students learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine socio-economic organization and its environmental consequences . They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and applications . The course is organized into seven broad topics : the nature and perspective of geography ; population and migration ; cultural patterns and processes ; political organization of space ; agriculture , food production and rural land use ; industrialization and economic development ; and cities and urban land use . AP Human Geography offers students the opportunity to be wellinformed about the human geography of the world today and to tackle challenging university-level material . Curricular competencies developed at this level will build on the competencies introduced in previous years and help prepare students for postsecondary studies in the humanities . Assessment may include : student project work , debates , presentations , AP-style essays , and other formal assessments .