AC 557 STUDY Extraordinary Success/ AC 557 STUDY Extraordinary Success/ | Page 5

This week, you will have an opportunity to review the Great Recession of 2007-2010 along with the causes and consequences of this event. In addition to the requirements for the analysis of a case study covered below, please specifically answer the following questions: 1. Should financial institutions be prevented from becoming too big to fail? What criteria should be followed in making such judgments? 2. Should consumer decisions concerning loans be regulated? 3. Should governments use public money to bail out failing institutions? Required for the Analysis of a Case Study: Provide a 4–6 page case study analysis using the following format: Format: Must include these headers 1. Title page 2. Company and Situation: Describe the Company and Situation · To begin your case study analysis, discuss the critical incidents that have contributed to the current position of the company. Here you must identify the most important facts surrounding the case. · Does the problem or challenge facing the company come from a changing environment, new opportunity, a declining market share, or inefficient internal or external business processes? 3. Strengths, Weaknesses and Alternatives: Identify Strengths and Weaknesses as well as Alternatives · Examine the value creation functions of the company and specify alternative courses of action.