ABUSE_MAGAZINE_ID_ Illinois issue | Page 15

ABUSE Magazine Photo Source: www.philly.com 6. Our behavior teaches our children how to behave. Take an honest look at your interactions with other adults inside and outside your home. Work to make changes if your children aren’t learning to treat each other with respect by watching you. Do your best to model respectful, kind and empathetic communication and avoid aggressive, intimidating and abusive behaviors—even during disagreements. 3. Schedule an appointment to talk with school staff including your child’s teacher(s) and the school counselor. Share your concerns. Work together to send clear messages to your child that bullying won’t be accepted at home or at school and must stop. Set up a hierarchy of clear consequences that do not involve punishment, but rather actions of apology and new respect towards kids who were bullied. Let your child know that acting with respect and kindness towards others