Absa RUN YOUR CITY GQEBERHA 10K Digi-mag March 2023 | Page 32




When it comes to running , nutrition and hydration are an important part of training and racing , so we tackled a few of the common questions runners often ask when new to the sport and before their first race .
Q . Should I be taking sports drinks and gels during races , or just water and food ?
A . There are a few factors that will help you perform at your best during a race , like refuelling glycogen stores , preventing dehydration , replacing lost electrolytes , and preventing stomach discomfort / upset . What you eat and drink during a race should help you achieve these goals . For some athletes this can be achieved by food and water alone , while others will need specifically formulated sports foods . Various factors will determine whether these foods are useful , such as the intensity and duration of the race , how easy it is to access food versus a sports drink or food during a race , your appetite , and individual response to food versus sports foods .
During a shorter run , it might be easier to have a sports drink , because of little time and ability to eat whole food , while a runner might find a sports gel helpful to use towards the end of a race as it is compact to carry and easy to consume . For longer races with varying intensity , whole food will play a more important role because it provides nutritional support for the duration of the race . It is also important to remember that fluids and food consumed during races can also replace electrolytes lost while sweating . Adding electrolytes to water , using specifically formulated sports drinks and foods or eating salty food will assist with replenishing these salts .
Take home message : The need for special sports foods and drinks will depend on the type of sport , intensity , duration , environment and how well food and fluids are tolerated .
Q . I struggle to eat enough during a race and often get stomach cramps or feel nauseous . Why does this happen and what can I do to prevent it ?
A . During strenuous exercise , blood gets directed to skeletal muscle , the lungs , heart and brain , and moved away from the gastrointestinal tract . This can lead to nausea , stomach and intestinal cramps , vomiting or diarrhoea when eating or drinking during exercise .
To prevent this , choose foods that are easy to digest ( such as simple carbohydrate-rich foods that are low in fat and fibre ), eat your last meal a few hours before the start of the race , and test your nutrition strategy during training sessions , so that the body can get used to the food and fluids used during exercise . Highly concentrated carbohydrate-rich foods and fluids , such as over-concentrated sports drinks or gels , can cause these symptoms , and should be avoided if you find they give you problems . Foods and drinks that contain caffeine can also cause stomach cramps and diarrhoea in sensitive athletes .
Take home message : Test any nutrition strategy before a race ( in training , preferably at race pace ) to determine what works best for you .
Q . I often experience muscle cramps in my legs while exercising . Is this food-related ?
A . Skeletal muscles ( large muscles in the limbs ) typically cramp because of fatigue , and an under-trained muscle will cramp more easily . Muscle cramps can also be due to the body ’ s loss of water and electrolyte imbalances . In hot conditions , athletes that sweat a lot are at greater risk for cramping .
Strategies to avoid muscle cramps during training and racing include being well prepared for a race ( adequate training ), consuming the right amount of fluids to prevent dehydration , having salty or electrolyte-containing foods or drinks , and acclimatising to the environment you will be competing in . Muscle cramps when at rest can be due to poor blood circulation , not stretching enough after exercise , a magnesium or potassium deficiency , or a side-effect of medication . Speak to your doctor if muscle cramps occur frequently while you are at rest , such as during the night .
32 Run Your City Series