Absa RUN YOUR CITY GQEBERHA 10K Digi-mag March 2023 | Page 25

Environmental nO ExcusE for singlE-usE !

With more and more plastic waste filling landfill sites or ending up in the oceans , it is vital that we all do our part to reduce the amount of plastic waste being produced , and the Absa RUN YOUR CITY Series asks all runners to join us in this war on plastic waste .

Plastic is an incredible invention that has revolutionised the world in many ways , but all too often it is used just once , for a few minutes , and then thrown away , and this singlE-usE plastic ( sup ) wastE is often not recyclable . We humans produce roughly 300 million tons of plastic each year , and half of it is disposable SUP , but only about 10 of plastic items are recycled worldwide each year . The rest ends up in landfills sites , in the environment , in our rivers and in our oceans , clogging and poisoning entire eco-systems .

Running events have traditionally produced a lot of SUP waste , such as water sachets along the route and plastic bags or wrapping at registration . That is why the 2022 Absa RUN YOUR CITY Series aims to rEDucE its sup usagE by 95 % across the three events in the series . This “ nO ExcusE fOr singlE-usE ” campaign will build on anti-SUP campaign in the series in previous years , and we call on all runners in the series to join us in this effort !
As part of the # runclEan campaign , the race will implement strict ‘ litter zones ’ to ensure a litter-free route , and in line with the # IcarrymyOwn campaign , we encourage runners to run with a hydration pack or water bottle , to either be self-sustained or to refill at the refreshment zones . All entrants will receive a Dhl running watEr bOttlE to promote the # ICarryMyOwn initiative . The refreshment stations will be 98 % plastic-free , and there will also be no plastic bags or wrapping at registration , while race numbers will be made from recycled plastic bottles .
Single-Use Plastic Management



Absa RYC Series City Clean Ups
Taking responsibility and encouraging participants to make a change , while educating our population on the importance of litter free cities and beaches .
Plastic Free Touchpoints
• Goodie bags
• Race packs
• Official event tees
• Medals
• 176 000 less plastic packets !
Biodegradable Race Numbers
Race Numbers are made from recycled plastic bottles and are biodegradable .
Run # ICarryMyOwn
Cut down on waste by using your sponsored water bottle .
Refillable Hydration Stations
2 self-serve water refill stations on route to ensure you stay hydrated .
Litter Zones # RunClean
Designated litter bins to keep routes litter free .
• No plastic sachets .
• Only paper drinking cups available on route .


Recycle Your Litter
Recycling waste bins are strategically positioned around the race start and finish villages .
Used paper cups , cans and plastic bottles are recycled after the event .
Paperless Entry Process
Online registrations E-confirmations SMS communication E-substitutions E-mailers E-certificates
# RunClean # ICarryMyOwn
18 Run Your City Series
If everybody works together , we can make a difference in the war on plastic waste .