2014 Automechanika Frankfurt
2014 Automechanika Frankfurt
Changing of the Guard
After 40 years of service, Alois Ludwig, chairman of
the Board of Directors of ZF Services, announced
at Automechanika that he has been grooming his
successor, Helmut Ernst, to take over the reins
on March 1, 2015. At his last Automechanika,
Ludwig presided over three exhibition stands
with an attractive product and service portfolio,
and a good place to share with their customers
some innovations, and to engage in a dialogue
about future requirements in the service business.
Innovations in driveline, chassis, and steering
technology of the established Sachs, Lemförder, ZF
Lenksysteme, and ZF Parts product brands as well
➲ ZF Services administration headquarters in Schweinfurt, Germany
as the corresponding service portfolio were showcased,
ZF Services is the first company to include products for
such as the Openmatics telematics solution offering fleet
commercial vehicles with engines complying with the
operators a clear added value, plus a modularly designed
Euro 6 emissions standard in its product range for the
shock absorber, which will be available for passenger cars
independent spare parts market. In the new ZF Services
in the subcompact car segment from 2015.
catalogue “Sachs Clutches for CVs 2015/2016”, the
Connectivity, a theme at the show, also took centre stage
international aftersales expert of ZF Friedrichshafen AG
at the ZF stand, with a look at the future, such as electronic
lists a total of 70 clutch applications, consisting of clutch
vehicle service books, plus the intelligent
pressure plates and clutch disks tailored to the special
networking of diagnosis systems,
requirements in the driveline of Euro 6 vehicles.
components, and tools giving a
Another interesting theme at Automechanika was
new perspective on maintenance
the environmental trend, and the increasing
and repair procedures. “Digital
demand for industrially remanufactured
services will increase while
components as an alternative to new parts
becoming more individual and
among OEMs, wholesalers, and workshops.
interactive,” says Ernst. Already
ZF Services is well positioned to satisfy these
today, customers expect the use of
demands and the technologies and competencies
current data exchange technologies
within the Group has enabled ZF to provide a wide range
and ZF Services offers corresponding
➲ ZF Services
of remanufactured products in OEM quality.
solutions for the aftersales sector.”
Euro 6 CV Clutch
Positive Vibes
Doing duty on the POS Service Holland stand was
Harald van Haaster, who runs the PSH operation
in South Africa. Harald was keen to show aBr the
brand spanking new MOTOPLAT CV-411 Heavy Duty
Alternator Tester. Motoplat, a renowned Spanish
brand, is making a comeback under the auspices
of PSH, which bought the Motoplat factory six
years ago, and moved it to Poland. The CV-411 is a
professional integrated Heavy Duty Alternator Tester,
which after years of research and development
is equipped with the latest Motoplat technology.
Well-appointed with the new API+ technology which
automatically detects the LIN and BSS protocols,
the CV-411 is top of the range, equipped with a
modern quiet high power 11kW motor, with features
➲ Harald van Haaster with the MOTOPLAT CV-411, powered by PSH
such as a 3-Phase 380volts power supply; a built in
oscilloscope; and hydraulic adjustment. With 12 / 24 Volt, 400 amp parameters, the CV-411 is a high-end product, which
may not suit the smaller operators, but the good news is that in the development pipeline is a 200 amp version.
| words in action
november 2014