2014 Automechanika Frankfurt
Expect More from Schaeffler
They pointed out that
whenever a vehicle
needs to visit a garage,
the products and
repair solutions from
Schaeffler Automotive
Aftermarket are usually
the first choice for
➲ Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket’s headquarters in Langen, Germany
With its four brands
- LuK, INA, FAG and Ruville - the business division
is responsible for the global spare parts business of
Schaeffler. Whether it’s transmission, engine or chassis,
Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket can fall back on decades
of experience on the independent spare parts market, and
is able to offer solutions that are tailor-made to meet a wide
range of repair requirements.
buses and tractors (LuK), engine and transmission
components (INA) and chassis components (FAG).
The Ruville brand offers Schaeffler OE products as
well as high-quality products and repair solutions
not manufactured by the Group
Customers of
the Automotive
business division
have access to the
innovative products
of the Schaeffler
Group, which is a
leading development
partner to vehicle
around the world.
Founded in 1976 as AS
Autoteile-Service GmbH
& Co., it was renamed in
2002 as LuK Aftermarket
Service oHG, and thereafter
renamed again in 2009
as Schaeffler Automotive
Aftermarket GmbH & Co.
KG, and is headquartered
at Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 21,
63225 Langen, Germany.
Some facts on the
Appropriate repair solutions for garages and
distributors worldwide, as well as a comprehensive
service programme
complete the portfolio
The Management Board
consists of Michael Söding
➲ Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket’s brand portfolio
(President), Dr Robert Felger
(Product & Marketing), and
Michael Junker (Supply Chain Management & IT).
GmbH & Co. KG represents Schaeffler on the global
automotive spare parts market
The Business Division Automotive Aftermarket has
The Aftermarket specialists offer a portfolio of more
approximately 1,300 employees worldwide; whilst
than 40,000 marketable articles in original equipment
Schaeffler in whole employs more than 80,000
employees worldwide. Sales revenues in 2013 were
approximately 11.2 billion euros worldwide; via roughly
The product portfolio includes individual clutch
11,500 distribution partners and over 30 sales and
parts and clutch repair sets for passenger cars, light
representative offices.
commercial vehicles, heavy commercial vehicles,
| words in action
november 2014
2014 Automechanika Frankfurt
Schaeffler Automotive
Aftermarket used the
opportunity to expand
on their mantra of
Exceeding Customer
Expectations, with
more innovations,
more quality and
more passion, and
their role as a leading
technology provider.