Band of brothers
Folgore brothers Daniel and Ugo have kept the
Technocar Auto Services (TAS) banner flying
high since 1990. aBr paid the duo a visit in
downtown Johannesburg recently.
o-owner and Client Liason expert
Daniel, whom aBr met over lunch
at this year’s National e-CAR
Indaba, tells us that TAS has been a proud
e-CAR member since May 2005.
“I was convinced to join the network
by the e-CAR team right in the very
beginning. It wasn’t a difficult decision
to make as we could see then that the
concept was a very good one,” he says.
Not only were TAS one of the very first
members of e-CAR, they are also one
of the largest, with a huge 1 800 square
metre workshop and 1 000 square metre
yard. Daniel proudly pointed out to us
on the day that we visited him that both
these areas were filled with customer
“We are busy every single day. We do
a lot of work for fleets, including for the
government, who have come to rely on
us to service the city’s ambulances and
Department of Correctional Services
vehicles. We also look after many of the
vehicles that state electricity provider
Eskom uses, which ensures that our
22 permanent staff members and two
casual staff are kept busy. To build a
reputation in this industry requires the
ability to do the work correctly, every time.
Your customer must always be completely
satisfied and must be able to trust in your
skills and in your word,” he advises.
Being a part of the e-CAR network
means that TAS only stocks high-quality,
well-known brands, which it sources from
Diesel-Electric. “Diesel-Electric are very
good, particularly with regards to their
They always have
the parts that we
are looking for
and deliver them
promptly,” he
Like all the other
➲ Technical staff are highly qualified and have worked extensively
members in the
on all makes of motor vehicles, including the more exotic models
e-CAR network,
such as Ferrari and Maserati. Formal training is performed through
TAS uses only
Robert Bosch South Africa Training Centre
the best Bosch
workshop equipment
to diagnose vehicles of all makes in its
This saves the business time and provides
sizeable workshop.
the very best information quickly. It has also
allowed the company to branch out
into other areas of vehicle servicing
as well. As a result, TAS has its own
diesel pump room and a heavy duty
section designed for trucks and other
commercial vehicles.
➲ The Technocar Auto Services premises is one of
the largest in the e-CAR Network
Daniel says TAS appreciates
the excellent level of marketing
support given to the e-CAR brand.
“We listened with pride to the
radio campaign that aired during
the National e-CAR Indaba at the
Wanderers Club earlier this year.
We’ve always held the view that any
advertising is good advertising.
It’s important for the public
to have heard or read about
your business somewhere.
And it’s very important to learn
from your customers and to
understand them,” he concludes
➲ Technocar Auto Services’ doors are open to any
with a warm smile.
make of vehicle
To join the fastest growing workshop network in South Africa and to add a new dimension to your business,
contact Wilfried Langenbach at 086 000 3227 (086 000 e-CAR)
| words in action
may 2014