Brazil Automotive Industry
Special Report
I refer to the Brazilian
3. Red Tape:
Autoparts Industry
Here the ball is in both
Performance Report
governments’ courts.
2014 report, issued by
It is their prerogative
Sindipeças. On page
and their responsibility,
45 it says that “The
as is labour reform.
Instituto Sindipeças
All business can
de Educação
do is to lobby and
Corporativa (Institute
to encourage, and
for Corporate
hopefully someone
Education) was
in the government
established in 2013
offices understands the
with the purpose of
economic significance
offering educational
of such reforms.
solutions to leverage
aBr sat down with
➲ Sindipeças marketing advisor Francisco de Assis Marianno and
foreign trade advisor Rejane Darold were on hand to assist at the
Antonio Carlos Bento
and sustainability
Sindipeças exhibition stand
de Souza, the CEO of
in the auto parts
the Corneta Group,
segment. Its
and who also serves on the executive
knowledge into business results; and
organisation and syllabus are based
board of Sindipeças. Bento confirms
strengthen management’s knowledge
on demands and synergy of different
that competitiveness is one of the
and modernisation for small and medium
links in the automotive chain. It is
big issues in the Brazilian automotive
companies”. So the Brazilians have a
organised into five schools: Market
component manufacturing industry.
two pronged approach – education and
Management; Business Management;
He says that while Brazil’s automotive
skills development at the technical level,
Personnel Management; Innovation and
industry delivers world class quality,
and education and skills development
Sustainability; and Manufacturing and
and its workers are amongst the most
at the management and strategic level.
Supply Chain. Some of the objectives
productive in the world, labour costs and
I strongly believe that South Africa can
of the Instituto Sindipeças de Educação
fringe benefits have become prohibitive.
leverage off this innovative approach,
Corporativa include developing of
He says that whilst the wage gap
and that jointly South Africa and Brazil
competencies and complement
between Brazil and China has narrowed,
can also find synergies in their respective
training for managers, experts and
the gap between Brazil and regional
manufacturing operations, and to
other professionals in this sector; to
competitor Mexico has widened.
increase intra-trade significantly.
become a reference centre able to turn
➲ Behind this sign is an impressive technical education institution
| words in action
may 2014