AboutTime no 42 #42 | Page 4

PROJECT UPDATES Prime Plaza 2 kicks off By Brett Marlin PrimeTime aims for a prime grade rating and 5-star green building certification After the unparalleled success of Prime Plaza and the continued demand for PrimeTime’s A-grade office space in the CBD, PrimeTime has acquired the property in between Prime Plaza and Mashatu Terrace. This new development is going to be an extension of Prime Plaza, with the traffic and pedestrians having free access between both developments, so as to form one cohesive, continuous development. As with Prime Plaza, parking is of paramount importance and it has been decided that to provide as much parking as possible, a double basement over the full extent of the site is going to be developed. This will give more than sufficient parking for future developments and may well provide additional parking for Prime Plaza 1. As with Mashatu Terrace, we intend developing the building in line with the requirements of the Green Building Council of SA and are planning to achieve a ‘Design’ and an ‘As built’ 5-star rating for the development. This certainly is going to put the development, PrimeTime and Time Projects at the forefront of the green building movement in Botswana. It will also provide those corporate tenants who want to comply with international trends and require carbon credits with an option for where to move their new offices. 4 ISSUE 42 - JUNE 2020