AboutTime Issue 35 | Page 4

Starting as an outstanding construction manager on the 400 houses , he graduated to an accomplished manager later heading up our housing division to develop many projects , including all the balance at Kgale View , 40 houses at University of Botswana , Kgale Manor , Kgale Close , Hillside View , Boiketlo Estates and the golf estate houses in Phakalane amongst numerous others . His stewardship of his staff and attention to detail is something we can all learn from . He can be extremely proud of what he has achieved with us .
Clifford ’ s contribution to community extended beyond the work place and included impressive skills in hockey and karate , a number of Kalahari Challenges and other events like his trip to ride the Himalayas , running the Mont aux Sources , various SOS Children ’ s Villages projects over the years and his involvement with the Church .
Cliff , apart from being a work colleague , has been a really good friend to me and many others in the office . He is that kind of guy . He has also made many great friends here whom I ’ m sure will remain , not only in contact but also to see often . As we hope he will do with us as he has been very much part of the family . We cannot thank Cliff enough for his contribution to our success , especially from the early years and through the boom years .
We wish Cliff and Marcia everything of the best for the future – thanks so much for being part of our lives and for what you have achieved here at Time Projects . While it ’ s always sad to say goodbye and farewell , this is more cheers . Cliff , please keep in touch and have a great future in whatever adventure you choose next .