ABClatino Magazine Year 9 Issue 2 | Page 13

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Sourdough is a natural ferment used to make bread. It is made from flour and water, and its fermentation process depends on the yeasts and bacteria present in the environment.


Whole wheat flour, white flour, or rye flour, chlorine-free water.


  • Day 1 Mix 50 g of flour with 50 ml of water in a container.

  • Stir well until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.

    Cover with a cloth without sealing it tightly so that it can breathe.

    Let it rest at room temperature.

  • Days 2-5 Daily feeding.

  • Each day, discard half of the mixture

    Add 50 g of flour and 50 ml of water to the remaining mixture.

    Stir well and let it rest again.

  • Day 5 or 6 The dough will be ready when it doubles in size a few hours

    after feeding it, smells slightly acidic, and has visible bubbles. You can use

    it to make bread.

  • If you don't use it daily, you can store it in the refrigerator and feed it once a week.

    Benefits: unique flavor, better digestion - lactic acid bacteria in the dough help break down gluten and facilitate digestion, longer shelf life, lower glycemic index, no additives, or chemicals.



    Por / By Dora Inés Grosso García

    Psicóloga Holística  / Holistic Psychologist

    [email protected]
