ABClatino Magazine Year 8 Issue 12 | Page 13


and its benefits



La vacuna es un bien global que debe socializarse”

~Alberto Fernández,

Presidente de Argentina

La Historia No Oficial

Por / By Dora Inés Grosso García

Psicóloga Holística  /

Holistic Psychologist

[email protected]

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Por / By Dora Inés Grosso García

Psicóloga Holística  /

Holistic Psychologist

[email protected]

Kimchi is a fermented food made from napa cabbage, radishes, and spices such as garlic, ginger, and red peppers. We can also prepare it with common cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, sea salt or Himalayan salt, some spices, such as pepper, turmeric, mustard, among others.


  • It improves digestive health, it is rich in probiotics, such as Lactobacillus, helping to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the intestine.

  • It is beneficial in constipation, bloating, and diarrhea, and favors the absorption of nutrients and strengthens the immune system, it is antimicrobial and antioxidant.

  • It releases oxidative stress, supports cancer and cardiovascular disease treatments, and weight control.

  • The antioxidants in kimchi help reduce inflammation and improve cholesterol levels, which can benefit cardiovascular health, type 2 diabetes, among other health processes.

  • Preparation:

  • Cut the napa or common cabbage into quarters approximately

    4-5 cm.

  • Mix water with salt to make a brine.

  • Immerse the cabbage in the brine, let it sit for 2 hours, stirring.

  • Rinse the cabbage under cold water to remove excess salt and

    drain well.

  • Finally, add the spices, depending on

    your taste.




    and its benefits



    La vacuna es un bien global que debe socializarse”

    ~Alberto Fernández,

    Presidente de Argentina

    La Historia No Oficial

    Por / By Dora Inés Grosso García

    Psicóloga Holística  /

    Holistic Psychologist

    [email protected]

    Kimchi is a fermented food made from napa cabbage, radishes, and spices such as garlic, ginger, and red peppers. We can also prepare it with common cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, sea salt or Himalayan salt, some spices, such as pepper, turmeric, mustard, among others.


  • It improves digestive health, it is rich in probiotics, such as Lactobacillus, helping to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the intestine.

  • It is beneficial in constipation, bloating, and diarrhea, and favors the absorption of nutrients and strengthens the immune system, it is antimicrobial and antioxidant.

  • It releases oxidative stress, supports cancer and cardiovascular disease treatments, and weight control.

  • The antioxidants in kimchi help reduce inflammation and improve cholesterol levels, which can benefit cardiovascular health, type 2 diabetes, among other health processes.

  • Preparation:

  • Cut the napa or common cabbage into quarters approximately

    4-5 cm.

  • Mix water with salt to make a brine.

  • Immerse the cabbage in the brine, let it sit for 2 hours, stirring.

  • Rinse the cabbage under cold water to remove excess salt and

    drain well.

  • Finally, add the spices, depending on

    your taste.
