ABClatino Magazine Year 8 Issue 1 | Page 13

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Por / By Dora Inés Grosso García

Sleep consolidates neurobiological, physiological and psychological functions, among others.

Non-REM sleep: transition to drowsiness, lasts 5-10 minutes, muscle relaxation occurs, decreased brain activity, and helps deep sleep.

Light sleep: lasts about 20 minutes, brain activity becomes more regular with short bursts of electrical activity called K complexes, consolidates memory, and gives way to deep sleep.

Deep or slow wave sleep lasts 20-40 minutes, slower and larger brain waves occur, it is more difficult to wake someone up during this phase.

Physical regeneration, release of growth hormones, memory consolidation and activates the immune system occur.

REM phase: Rapid eye movement, varies during the night, being longer in the last phases of sleep.

Features: Rapid eye movements, increased wake-like brain activity, vivid dreams, muscle paralysis.

Consolidation and emotional processing, learning and adaptation, promotes mental health, and releases stress, activates creativity and problem solving.

Sleep is restored when you have good eating habits, hydration, exercise, taking a shower before bed, dimming the lights, freeing the room from electromagnetic: television, cell radio, among others.

Por / By Dora Inés Grosso García

Restoring sleep

a holistic view