ABClatino Magazine Year 7 Issue 7 | Page 15

My decades of drawing, painting and printmaking are coming together

these days in works that combine all three with other adventurous mediums. Presently, I use collage, encaustic, handmade paper, and gilding to layer over a print—building pattern and color. Hexagons cut from the decorative interiors of envelopes have been a driving force.


I was born in Mexico and grew up in Mexico City and Acapulco, before

coming to the US at age thirteen. The artist Francisco Dos Amantes and the zoomorphic figures of Aztec friezes influenced my early work. I studied English and French Literature at Simmons College and the Sorbonne in

Paris, and painting at the Triveni Kala Sangam Akademi in New Delhi, India. These intersections of cultures, techniques, and philosophies have fueled

my investigations of states of mind, scenes from dream, fantasy, and

interior \ life – through drawing, painting, print, encaustics.

Fascinated with the flexibility, experimentation, and the rich materials

and technique of print processes, I’ve taught printmaking and experimental transfer processes throughout the New York metropolitan area, including

the Hunterdon Museum of Art, and the Printmaking Center of New Jersey,

and have enjoyed residencies at the Women’s Studio Workshop and the Vermont Studio Center. My works are in corporate and private collections including Cablevision, Rutgers University and the New York Public Library. From 2005-2007 I served as President for the National Association of

Women Artists and I’m still on the Board. Last October County Executive

Marc Molinaro and Arts Mid-Hudson honored me with the Dutchess County Individual Artist Award.

I ❤ living and working in Poughkeepsie!

Artista / Artist: Penny Dell

Curadora / Curator: Elisa Pritzker

"This project was made possible with public funds from the Queens Arts Fund, a re-grant program supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by New York Foundation for the Arts."

Healing Leaves Series

Photography, 16 x 20 in..

Rainbow Hearthrob

Encaustic on cradled panel


Chthonic Forces

Encaustic on cradled panel


Tipping Point

Mixed Media encaustic on

cradled panel